Is it time to refresh your home?

refresh your home

In the last 12 months, we have spent more time than we normally would at home. Many of us may have become tired of our interiors or have noticed some things we’d like to change.

The last year has been a turbulent one, to say the least. Is it time to refresh your home? We have seen many changes to how we live our normal every day lives. While we are still on high alert of the dangers of the pandemic, there is no hiding from the fact that many of us have noticed aspects of our lives that seem outdated and could do with some attention. This could be from our physical and mental health to the way that we dress, who we spend time with and the spaces in which we spend our time.

Is it time to hit the refresh button?

Being in quarantine has meant that we have had the opportunity to reflect on what we consider normal and how we can intertwine this with a post-covid world. Here are a few ways to refresh your home:

Life at Home

During lockdown, we were restricted to remaining in our homes for months on end. This evolved into us re-evaluating how we engage with the space in our homes. If you have children, parts of the home became a school, the living room became an office and the lounge became a gym. Carving out space in your home to dedicate to each of these can make it a lot easier to be productive while saving communal areas to gather as a family.

The Way We Work

Our home offices were in full use during lockdown and for some, this may have become a permanent set up. Some businesses have come to realise that working remotely suits them better than working in an office. Our workspace at home has become a place that needs to stimulate you to be functioning at the highest level possible. It may be time to invest in upgrading your office space– this could be by changing the colour of the walls to buying a new desk that has been custom made to suit the way that you work. It is worth spending time thinking about what changes you can make in order to achieve excellence and refresh your home.

How We Move

If you frequented the gym to do your usual workouts, you may have been thrown off-kilter when lockdown hit us last year. Many personal trainers, gyms and instructors adapted to the new normal by hosting online classes that you could join in on from the comfort of your living room. For some, this has become a much more convenient way to fit exercise into a busy day. This new way of working out could mean that you will need to carefully distinguish the space for different activities.

Our Physical Space

Our home became a melting pot of different activities, from yoga in the living room to a school set up at the dining room table, and a restaurant in full operation in the kitchen. We may have had to permanently adjust how we use our physical space at home. If you have moved from working in an office to working at home on a more permanent basis, you may need to add or upgrade your home office. Or perhaps spending more time at home has made you question the colour on the walls, the choice of furniture pieces or made you realise that it may be time to renovate the kitchen.

Whether you are looking to refresh your home by adding a new home office, renovate your kitchen or upgrade your wardrobes, we can help you with all of your bespoke renovation requirements. Give us a call on 021 035 1737 to find out how we can help you to upgrade your home.

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