Tag: Craft Furniture

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Atlantic Seaboard

Praise for Property Professionals: 2021 Edition

As a continuation from last month’s focus, Ubuntu – I am because you are – The Excellence Group looks forward to almost-complete projects that our companies are currently working on… ...
Atlantic Seaboard

Praise for Property Professionals: 2020 Edition

Following on from last month’s focus, Ubuntu – I am because you are – The Excellence Group celebrates the sensational projects our companies are worked on in 2020… With some ...
Craft Furniture

Ubuntu: 2020 Edition

“We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, ...

The Perfect Balancing Act: Functionality & Aesthetics

Designing your dream kitchen can be an overwhelming task. Driven by lifestyle and supported by contemporary open plan architecture, we are spending more time in our kitchens than ever before. ...
Craft Furniture

Making Lives Exceptional

The Excellence Group’s tagline is ‘Making Lives Exceptional’ – how is this relevant and why is it important?
Craft Furniture

Attitude is Everything

The Excellence Group’s attention and focus has been on the creation, understanding and implementation of a new normal.
Designer Kitchen Showroom Tour Cape Town TEG
Atlantic Seaboard

A Collective Intelligence

The craftsmanship, innovation and creative discernment inherent in The Excellence Group translates into curated interiors with abiding appeal.
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